Proposed Poll
Cindy C.
cindysphynx at
Tue Nov 11 19:59:28 UTC 2003
>For a start, I've nearly
> finished my Quidditch FP, so other than revisions or the quality of
> the stuff itself, it has gone past the stage where it matters what
> other list members think should be a high priority. It just needs to
> be finished.
That's great news, Ali! It really is! I can't wait to read the draft!
If you like, we can just remove the Quidditch option from the poll.
Would that address your concerns?
> In terms of other FPs, it should still fall to the writers of FPs as
> it is their interest and work that will get the essay written, not
> what anybody else wants.
Yikes! We have some major philosophical differences here, huh? ;-)
Maybe it is just me, but I hope we'd want to think of ourselves as
being in *service* to our list members, not doing whatever *we* want
regardless of what the list might want. I would hope that when list
administrators have decisions to make, we would consult with the list
members whenever practicable. We've surely done this in the past --
polling the lists on closing for OoP release, elfing proposals, naming
the HBF, and so forth. The use of polls to gauge list opinion is a
very welcome development at HPfGU, IMHO.
So if it turns out that the list members want to see different FPs
than the ones we are thinking of writing, why not find that out? If
our preferences are out of step with the list, why not invite some
list members to join us to work on the ones that interest them? I'm
not saying that if "Mysteries" scores higher than "Harry," then the
"Harry" team must dissolve. I'm saying that gathering information
*from the list members we serve* to inform our decisions is a good
thing on the whole.
What, may I ask, is the harm in gathering this information from the
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