ADMIN: Re: Proposed Poll

cindysphynx cindysphynx at
Tue Nov 11 23:13:17 UTC 2003

True, but as you yourself once told me, we want everyone here to have 
fun, and to write about the things that interest them.  
Ah, I see what the problem is here.  And it is definitely my fault for
not explaining what I had in mind.  I do apologize for not being clear.
See, this isn't a zero-sum game, IMHO.  If a poll shows that the list
members want an Umbridge FP, that doesn't mean we have to take resources
away from the Harry team, ditch the Quidditch FP, or abandon the Weasley
FP.  The Harry team, for instance, can keep right on working even if not
one single list member is interested in that FP.  As I see it, if we
learned that the list desperately wants an Umbridge FAQ and couldn't
care less about Lupin, maybe the Lupin team would decide to switch to
Umbridge.  Everyone would be happy.  Or maybe some of our members who
are waiting to edit or link check would be inspired to pick up a quill
write an Umbridge FP.  
Or maybe no one here would be interested in Umbridge.  That would be
fine.  In that case, we could consider being responsive to the wishes of
the list members and we could bring in some people who *would* write a
Dumbledore FP.  Everyone would be happy.
Or maybe we'd learn that the list is *desperate* to see that Harry FP,
and this might inspire our Harry team to stay hard at work.
Believe me, the *last* thing I want to do is get in the way of anyone's
fun or make someone write anything they don't want to write.  No, no,
no.  I mean, if Ali and Abigail believe a poll would yield no
information of use to them personally, that's OK.  They can completely
ignore the poll results, I suppose.  I guess I'd announce the poll with
an ADMIN or some such, and I could be clear that the poll is only
I'm very interested in gathering this information, though, so I was
rather hoping you all might indulge me on this.  So.  Can anyone think
of a reason why we would want to avoid even listening to what the list
wants?  Oh, and Abigail?  Will you forward this series of messages about
the poll to MEG to see if they'll allow me to put the poll on the main
I would suspect that the main list readership would like us to write all
the FPs, and that 
is what we should be aiming for, but to ensure that none of us feel as
we're chained to our desks, we should be writing about the things that 
interest us.  
That's why we would allow them to vote for only four choices.  We're
trying to discern what they most want to see, with knowledge that
everyone would love to see everything done tomorrow.  
That was why we polled the group (FAQ, that is) back in June, 
and came up with four subjects to concentrate on (Weasleys, DEs and 
Justice, Lupin and Harry, I believe).

Actually, I don't agree that you've put your finger on where this issue
stands.  The pre-OoP FAQ list poll helped us pin down which FPs most
interested the group, as you say.  We never properly revisited the issue
post-OoP as we had planned, so the results aren't all that valid anyway.
We also seem to have lost the Lupin FP draft *again,* so that is another
fact that isn't reflected in the FAQ list polls from this summer.  I'm
not sure we'd get the same results if we polled this group again,
BTW, while I'm re-living the pain of losing the Lupin FAQ twice, is
everyone remembering to upload?  We have now lost two different versions
(one by Amy lost due to hard drive failure and one by Elkins and Amy
lost because neither can be reached).  I'd hate to lose any other FPs,
especially if Quidditch is almost finished!


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