[HP4GU-FAQ] ADMIN: Re: Proposed Poll

cindysphynx cindysphynx at comcast.net
Wed Nov 12 10:29:48 UTC 2003

not sure that polling at this point won't be counter-productive.

But *how* could knowing what the list thinks be counter-productive?  I'm
just baffled by the defensive, almost knee-jerk negative reaction to
creative ideas on this list at times.  Can anyone enlighten me?

I forwarded your message to MEG as requested.
Outstanding, Abigail!
Could you make sure your forward all of my messages on this subject,
just to make sure MEG isn't confused and MEG has the full picture when
they rule on my proposal?  And make sure they understand that I would
only be seeking their blessing on a main list poll.  I assume we can run
any poll we like on OTC.
Thanks *so* much, Abigail!

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