[HP4GU-FAQ] A Message From MEG

cindysphynx cindysphynx at comcast.net
Thu Nov 13 00:23:05 UTC 2003

Wow!  Abigail!  That was *some* response!  I haven't seen anything like
it since an associate gave me a draft of interrogatories in the last big
case I handled!  
I haven't much time for follow-up questions right now, but I have a few
reactions to this . . . 

16 questions from Cindy? And that's all *for now* ? And we tried
to count Tom's but, um, we lost count somewhere near fifty. Hey,
guys, we promised you some answers to Cindy's questions,
and we gave it our best shot.
I certainly can see that you all put a lot of time and effort into
answering these questions and in seizing control of the FAQ list.  I
imagine that changing a fun, friendly, collegial place where everyone
got along into something akin to a police state was a great lot of work
for MEG.  We just need that Code of Conduct now, and we'll be all set!
'Cause we already have this . . . 
>If anyone here
no longer accepts MEG's authority as legitimate, we
invite you to withdraw your support by the same means that you
offered it, by unsubbing from our sites.

Man, that sounds vaguely like "America, Love It Or Leave It!"  And we
know where that kind of thinking leads.  Oh, dear.  
Well, I can only speak for myself, but I'd say this is one heck of a sad
day for HPfGU and for FAQ in particular.  I put so much time and energy
into bringing this group along, and now MEG has completely *destroyed*
FAQ in just a few short days.  OK, then.  I will get on with the
business of yielding to MEG's Ultimate Authority over FAQ.  Yessirree.  
Cindy -- who thinks Eileen may have a point when she says MEG is going
to have to write the FAQs if there are to be any, but who thinks MEG is
up to the job 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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