[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: A Message From MEG

Susannah Myers susannahlm at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 13 02:39:05 UTC 2003

> > If anyone here
> > no longer accepts MEG's authority as legitimate,
> we
> > invite you to withdraw your support by the same
> means that you
> > offered it, by unsubbing from our sites.



Is that the same philosophy that says if you
disapprove of a specific action of your government,
then you're unpatriotic? It *is,* isn't it?
[MaxCleland!CaptainCindy! Sorry, couldn't resist.]

Think about what you're saying here, guys. It *hurts*
me to have to write this, because I know and like and
respect just about everyone on MEG, and I -- frankly,
I'm wondering if you've all spontaneously lost your
minds, except it doesn't seem very likely -- and I
*hate* that I have to write this, but. . . well, as
Abigail said:

> Or will MEG only accept working with people that
> believe everything 
> MEG does is good and fair and right?

I mean, postulate:

1. We all love the list.

2. Some of us think that the list administration is
not doing the best job it could.

What *ought* those people to do? 

How is it for the best of the list if we just shut up
and unsub? How -- darn. This isn't that difficult,
guys. We love the list, we think it's in trouble, we
want to *help* it, OK?, and you're telling us that if
we criticize what we believe to be dangerous
*mistakes,* we have to leave. That we may participate
in and influence the list right up until the point
when we say "This is being done wrongly; this should
be changed."

I thought that MEG wanted HPfGU to become more of a
democracy; MEG might want to consider brushing up on
the notion of the "loyal opposition." 


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