FW: FP nomination?

Ali Hewison Ali at zymurgy.org
Sun Nov 16 10:56:52 UTC 2003

Tcy sent me this message a couple of days ago.
I have replied to her, thanking her for the posts. I know that we set up
a group expressly so that listees could make recommendations such as
this, but it has never been used. For the minute, I've asked Tcy to let
me know of any other posts which she'd like to nominate, and I'll
forward them here.
I'll ask Amy to forward us her Lupin draft so that hopefully we can get
an update out fairly soon.
On a different note, when I tried to open the whole enchiliada, I got a
note thanking me for my interest in WinZip, did I know it was a
fee-paying service, and would I like to proceed. what have I done wrong?
Should I have to pay to get it, or is there another way of opening the
TechnoSquib Ali
-----Original Message-----
From: Tracy and Mark Hunt [mailto:mphunt at sprintmail.com] 
Sent: 14 November 2003 15:08
To: Ali Hewison
Subject: FP nomination?

Hello, Ali
I hope I'm sending this to the right Elf...you were the list elf who
sent my "welcome from HPfGU" back in 2002...anyway...
I don't know what the process is for adding posts to the Fantastic Posts
arena...but as I haven't seen it updated in quite a while, I thought I'd
ask.  As much as I don't want to believe her, I'd love to see Pippin's
ESE!Lupin stuff posted there.  It started (as I'm sure you know - better
than I) with post 39362.  She said more recently (post 82732) that she
needed to update it.  But regardless of it's updated status...I'd love
to see it (in some form or other) added to FP. 
I'm sure there are many more fantastic posts...but this one stands out
in the crowd for me.  What can I do to help it along?
Thanks for whatever help you can provide.
Tcy (Tracy)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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