DE draftee questions
editor at
Tue Nov 18 17:08:19 UTC 2003
> <grin> You know, I thought about just writing 'search,' but figured
> you were a PC-user. It's definitely a search function. ;-)
Sorry to take so long to get back with you--many many things have
conspired to eat my available time. Not least of which, roping a good
friend into being Santa for my daughter's Girl Scouts thing. (he said
yes, provided the Santa suit has *buttons* this time--long story)
Okay, here's where I explain not only how much of a TechnoSquib I am,
but how *old* I am as well.
I *am* a PC-user. Just one that didn't use a computer until college,
one who knows applications quite well, like Word, PageMaker, Excel,
etc.--but not the world of HTML at *all.* I mean, at all. I used PCs
for 20 years before I ever experienced the internet. The net became
an aquaintance long after I had children, and I have had no time to
learn much of its operational language.
I have an email account but no home page (although I have space); I
don't know how to link; I have only recently mastered the LiveJournal
codes for underlining and italicizing text. I don't have LJ icons
because I don't know where to get or how to make icons. I am not
stupid, but most assuredly HTML-ignorant.
So, within that reference: If you have seen Galaxy Quest: "Tell him
[her] as you would a child." Use small words, short sentences.
Where is the catalogue we're searching? Is it simply the Yahoo
message archive, or have sections been pulled out? Can we type arcane
search functions into the Yahoo archive box, rather than just terms?
What are a couple basic search functions (like CTL-F)?
I feel so old. Publicly old. *sigh* Sorry.
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