A Few Things
Tom Wall
thomasmwall at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 18 21:36:58 UTC 2003
It looks like a lot happened since I posted last Thursday. I was in
Philly all weekend, helping my sister move, so once again it all
happened while I was distracted with RL stuff.
My Yahoo inbox is now over-full (to 104%!), there have been
resignations, and I just found the whole bunch of OTChatter stuff
from this Sunday.
It looks like people have been Making Decisions. Don't worry, though.
I won't comment here, as I know it's not encouraged.
Replies to Ali and Amanda are in this post.
Amanda wrote, regarding catalogue searches:
> So, within that reference: If you have seen Galaxy Quest: "Tell him
> [her] as you would a child." Use small words, short sentences.
Hah! I love Tim Allen. He's sort of a guilty pleasure of mine. I used
to watch 'Home Improvement' in secret, because the rest of my family
found him to be completely vapid and marginally annoying. That
roar/animal/man-laugh thing he used to do really cut me up, though.
Okay. Short Sentences. The catalogues are stored in FAQ's 'Files'
section. So, click on 'Files.' Here, at the bottom, is the 'Whole
Enchilada,' which I think consists of all the catalogues combined.
(I'm not 100% on that, though. I've never been entirely clear on what
the 'Whole Enchilada' is, exactly.) It's a .zip file. If this is the
whole catalogue, then download and peruse at your leisure.
If the 'Whole Enchilada' isn't the whole catalogue, then go on to
the 'InProgress' folder in the 'Files' section. There, you'll find a
bunch of Excel Files that are the completed catalogues from when you
guys did all that earlier.
This is where you'd be especially helpful, from my perspective: since
I'm normally working from computers that aren't mine, and since they
frequently don't have Excel or Winzip, I either *can't* download
these files consistently to work on them, or else I could, but it
would be a major hassle that would involve first getting, and then
installing the requisite software.
So, if you could download these, you could do the Ctrl-F keyword
searches at your leisure, and post the results here or mail them to
me. Thanks again for your offer to help on this, Amanda... it will
streamline my research time amazingly. There's no rush, as I have
stuff to be getting on with now, but eventually I'll need to flesh
out the outlines that I have.
Ali wrote of an elfling's FP nomination:
Tcy sent me this message a couple of days ago.
I have replied to her, thanking her for the posts. I know that we set
up a group expressly so that listees could make recommendations such
as this, but it has never been used. For the minute, I've asked Tcy
to let me know of any other posts which she'd like to nominate, and
I'll forward them here.
I found a bunch of ESE posts during my archive searches for Accused
Death Eaters (Order of the Flying Hedgehog.) I want to include a
complete list in the DE FP.
Here it is again, and feel free to forward it to her if she likes ESE
16453/ Hermione
16823/ Rita Skeeter
25480/ Ludo Bagman
29901/ E!McGonagall
30226/ E!McGonagall
30269/ McGonagall
30721/ Ron
34170/ Bagman
39362/ E!Lupin
39470/ Evil!McGonagall
30403/ E!Fudge
82746/ Molly
82860/ Lupin
82981/ Tonks
I'm sure that there are more, but I haven't found them all yet. Still
looking, though.
Now. I also took the liberty of updating our 'Assignments' table in
the Database, to take into account some independent projects and the
recent resignations. Two of our FP teams are now completely unmanned,
and others are fairly shortstaffed. So, some people are going to have
to step up if we want to get some FP's produced.
This is the roster and the projects as they stand:
Mysteries and Inconsistencies - was Cindy. Now unmanned.
(Gryff) Weasleys - Jo Serenadust and Charis Julia
(Huff) Harry - Penny, Abigail, Dicey, Phyllis
(Rav) Lupin - was Gail and Morgan. Now unmanned.
(Slyth) Death Eaters - Tom and Amanda.
WW Government - Debbie
Quidditch - Ali
Legal Issues - Heidi
So, that's it from me. Off to a friend's house to watch 24. Man, that
Jack Bauer just never gets a break. ;-)
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