[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: How About Progress Reports? & Harry FP, Again

Heidi Tandy heidit at netbox.com
Wed Oct 1 23:06:28 UTC 2003

> --- In HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com, "Cindy C." <cindysphynx at c...> wrote:
We have 38 members,
>  but only 13 have signed up with a house at all, and of those, very few
>  have posted anything substantive to this list recently concerning the
>  writing of a FAQ.>>
Abigail wrote:

> I think this a chicken and egg situation.  You probably saw on the list 
> that I
> recently joined up as a list elf, and one of the reasons that I chose 
> to accept
> the task was the silence on this group, which had already been going on 
> for
> two weeks.  It's true that many of the new elves are also members of 
> FAQ, but
> our duties at this point are light, and I don't think that they 
> preclude working
> on FPs.
> So, let me first give a shout-out to anyone who might be reading this 
> message.
> Are you out there?  Did you even notice that the FAQ list went dark for 
> a few
> hours earlier this week?  Are you still interested in writing FPs?  
> Just respond to
> this post with a Yes or No.  Please.

What do you mean 'went dark'?

Also - my answer is a definite yes - but I still don't plan to sign up 
for a house. I have responsibility for the legal issues faq, which will 
be wrapped up this week or next - I worked on the stouffer section today 
- and the fanfic faq, which I haven't had many recs for, and thus I'm 
not really in a position to update at the moment.

Zat ok?


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