Rush and Arnold (WAS Harry FP and Leadership)

Cindy C. cindysphynx at
Sat Oct 4 17:15:35 UTC 2003

<Captain Racism, tireless defender of the rights of people of color to
be treated fairly once in a while, dons her black cape and clingy
spandex tights that show off her voluptuous Junk In The Trunk to
maximum advantage.  She politely declines her sidekick's offer of
SPF50 sunscreen and launches herself out the window, soaring
effortlessly over to HPfGU, where an interesting comment needs to be


>This is what happened with the election thing on the main list, too.

Fear not!  According to "[Insert New Title Here]," HPfGU has been
liberated and there are no more banned topics!  We can discuss
politics if we want, so long as we behave ourselves.

> He resigned. It was his choice. 

Yes, true.  It was kind of ESPN to allow him to resign rather than be
ousted and escorted from the building.  And he was smart to leave of
his own accord, because his statement was indefensible.

> I don't think there's a damned thing wrong with what he said, on
>first hearing or subsequent reading, and I think, as always, people
>take any opportunity to discredit him because he is such a powerful

For those who haven't been following this little drama, Rush Limbaugh
is a conservative political talk show host.  His dream was to be a
sports commentator, and lucky for him, he won a spot doing football
commentary on ESPN.  He had been on the job for one month.  On the day
in question, the four on-air commentators where discussing whether a
particular starting quarterback (Donavan McNabb, who is black) was
good and whether he was in a slump.  Limbaugh said the following:


"I don't think he's been that good from the get-go. I think what we've
had here is a little social concern in the NFL. I think the media has
been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They're
interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think
there's a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit
for the performance of his team that he really didn't deserve. The
defense carried this team."


Hmmm.  Maybe Limbaugh is onto something here.  Just yesterday,
Asian-American Figure Skater Michelle Kwan came in second in the
Campbell's Skating Competition to rival Sasha Cohen.  If you think
about it, though, it is clear that the media has been very desirous
that Asian figure skaters do well.  They've been propping her up, what
with all the *hope* they've invested in her.  

Yep, Rush had a good point.  ;-D

Cindy -- idly wondering whether ESPN only hired Limbaugh to fill some
disabled person quota because he's deaf  :-D

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