[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Carolyn & Maria

pennylin pennylin at swbell.net
Tue Oct 7 13:33:34 UTC 2003

Hi --

<<<<<I am opposed to inviting Michelle to this group, whether she is
interested or not.  I have stated my reasons, and since then, additional
information has come to my attention that I am not at liberty to
disclose in this setting.  For the good of the group, I hope you will
respect my opinion on this point.>>>>>>>

Actually, no.  I'm afraid that's not quite good enough.  I don't any one member of this group should have ultimate veto power over whether new members are asked to join the group or not.  

So......Amanda, Sheryll ----- is Michelle still interested?  Would you like to state why you believe that she *should* be invited to the group?  Then, we can have a vote, and majority rules IMHO.  

I asked: <<<>Do we need to have a discussion about how members are recruited and how
we as a group should decide to >approve new members?  I wouldn't want a
repeat situation where Maria joined us, only to be removed >summarily by
one of us with Mod powers on this group.>>>>>  

Cindy responded: 

<<<<<Neither would I, Penny.  No, we do not need that discussion.  I think we have agreed none of us will take unilateral action and invite folks to this group without consulting this group.  If unilateral invitations do not go out, then no one will be put in the position of restoring the status quo so the group can decide *as a group.*>>>>>>>

So, are there prior messages about this Maria that I've missed then?  Yahoomort perhaps?  All I've seen is a notation that she is pending.  Did someone nominate her and make a case for her candidacy?

Frankly, I don't think anything was ever really decided about this whole nomination and invitation process.  I think it's a good idea for there to be a "No Unilateral Action" policy that applies, of course, to *both* invitations and removals of members.    

<<<There are a number of people who have asked to join us, and not one has
received a response (so far as I know).  Rather than focus on Michelle
so very much, perhaps we should get back to these poor folks?  As far as
Carolyn and Maria go, I'll go with whatever the group decides.>>>>>>

Who are these people?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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