FW: Requesting membership

Ali Hewison Ali at zymurgy.org
Fri Oct 10 10:06:57 UTC 2003

Sent to the owners address.

I would just like to officially nominate Kelley. She works incredibly
hard, diligently completes tasks, and is very interested in helping out
with the project suggested by Carolyn.

I believe that she will be a great asset to the team.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kelley Thompson [mailto:kelleythompson at gbronline.com] 
Sent: 10 October 2003 09:57
To: HP4GU-FAQ-owner at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Requesting membership

Hello FAQ team--

I'd like to request membership in this group.  There is at least one
project I would very much like to help with, possibly others as well. 
Please let me know if there are any objections to my membership here. 
I've also asked on MEG as well.



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