[HP4GU-FAQ] Scrubbing (was Requesting membership)

cindysphynx cindysphynx at comcast.net
Fri Oct 10 17:45:32 UTC 2003

Hi, again,
Derannimer wrote:
[1] As a side note: It, er, never occured to me that
we relative newbies might have been discussed here,
although it makes sense, of course. I now find myself
wondering what, well, um, not to sound too conceited
or anything -- what *did* people say about me? 

Hee!  You guys are *cute* when you're paranoid!  
The answer is that I tossed out your names as candidates (I know I
included Darrin in the first list), and no one said anything (people
were still in ModGate shock, I think).  Then someone (Elkins, Ali?),
listed some additional names, and I added those to the list.  Those
messages are all there in the archives, I think.  I left them because I
didn't think any of you would be embarrassed to see how you came to
receive your invitations.  (FWIW, I remember once that when a group of
Elves arrived on MEG, we had failed to scrub messages discussing a
howler to be sent to one of the incoming Elves.  The invitations had
already gone out, and the person had accepted it already!  I immediately
found another Mod who was around, and together we managed to delete
those old messages that instant, hopefully before the new Elf searched
that far back in the archives.  I can only hope we were fast enough,
because reading how very much I earned a howler as a new member would
have embarrassed me tremendously.)
I don't know if I deleted any messages when this latest group came in,
although I remember stewing about one message for a while.  I can't
remember what the trouble was with it or even who it pertained to.  I
deleted *nothing* to avoid having folks learn about Modgate or anything
else like that, and as I said, I don't think we should scrub for *that*
particular reason.
You all may recall that Melody posted a light-hearted message to this
list after she arrived.  She noticed that I had written a message that
implied she was an afterthought  ("Oh, yeah.  And Melody.").  She
wasn't, of course.  I knew Mel well enough to know she would likely not
be offended, and I knew she knew (or suspected she knew) that I like her
so much personally that I'd never slam her.  So I left my message,
figuring it could stay.  
I admit, however, to a sharp intake of breath when Melody teased me
about that message later, and a few sweaty moments of second-guessing
myself.  :-D
Cindy - who has since toweled off

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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