General Policy Stuff
Dicentra spectabilis
dicentra at
Sat Oct 11 00:51:27 UTC 2003
--- In HP4GU-FAQ at, "Amanda" <editor at t...> wrote:
> Cindy:
> Yahoo seems to have changed the way its groups work, so there is a
> limit on the number of moderators, and we are over it. (Does anyone
> know what that limit *is?*)
> I believe it is 15, for all lists, regardless of size. Other MEGs, is
> that correct?
I believe so, although if you already have more than 15, you can keep
them (as is the case on other HPfGU lists). However, if you delete
one of those, you lose the slot if more than 15 mods remain.
Kelly asked Yahoo if they could make an exception for a 10,000+ member
group such as HPfGU-main and was given an emphatic NO. So that's the
end of that.
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