General Policy Stuff (MEM)

Cindy C. cindysphynx at
Mon Oct 13 21:53:15 UTC 2003

Hi again!


> Hypothetical: if you'd asked Sheryll to delete her post, but she'd
>seen nothing wrong with it, and declined--what would have happened? 

Hey, guys?  

OoP came out in *June,* and four months (and over 30,000 posts) have
passed since then.  During that period, Dicey uploaded something or
other related to Sirius, and Porphyria uploaded some of my minor
"HPfGU -- A History" changes and a few other odds and ends that I
wrote IIRC *before* OoP.

Other than that, *diddly squat* out of this group, IIRC. <g>

Can I suggest that we stop squabbling about *hypothetical* issues of
*power* and *control* and *preserving the history of this group for
future generations of FAQers and historians alike* and see if instead
the group can maybe get around to producing an FP or two? <g>

But to answer the hypothetical question on the table, if Sheryll had
not deleted the message I asked her to delete, the message would still
be there.  Similarly, *if* we decide Michelle can join us, I will ask
that a couple of you delete messages that quote my opinions.  

If you delete the message, I will thank you. (Thanks, Sheryll!).

If you do not, then she will arrive here and perhaps be embarrassed by
reading my remarks.  

So you'll have to decide what is most important, I guess:  sparing a
new member needless embarrassment, or insisting that *your* post
remain in the archives No Matter Who Gets Hurt.


>From my reading of the current policy, you'd have deleted it anyway
>and apologized.

Mmmm, I don't think I said that.  I would have deleted it under the
current policy *if* I were the leader of this group.  I am not.

> I think we spend far too much time discussing new members. I think
>if they want to help, they're in. 

Then let's put out an "all hands" call to the main list; I believe
Phyllis suggested this in August.  *Anyone* from HPfGU who wants to
join this list would receive an invitation immediately and could get
to work.  This would represent a seismic shift in our current
membership policy, but if that's what the group wants to do, let's
make it so!  

Since Phyllis did raise this issue once already, how about I set up a
non-binding poll?  I'll take my best shot at writing a good poll.  If
I don't do a good job on it, we can always ditch it and post a
different one.


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