[HP4GU-FAQ] Um... question on hubris.
Susannah Myers
susannahlm at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 15 15:59:22 UTC 2003
--- Tom Wall <thomasmwall at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have a question here for some of y'all who have
> written FP's
> before...
> Is there any conflict of interest if you want to
> include your own
> work in an FP? I mean, I have issues with nominating
> my own work
> as 'Fantastic,' you know?
> Let me provide a concrete example. I have written a
> few posts on Dark
> Magic, and I think that they might handily work into
> the Death Eater
> FP that we're working on. But I don't want to use
> them if it'll
> appear as though I'm simply tooting my own horn.
> What's the general approach to this stuff, since a
> lot of us are very
> good writers and have written many of the quality
> posts that one
> would want to include in an FP?
> -Tom
I think mostly we stand around looking at our feet and
shuffling and waiting for one of our house-mates to
include us.
No, seriously, Tom, if you don't put your posts in,
I'll have to, and they might be easier for you to
find. Face it, you *do* write fantastic posts; and if
you're bringing up the question, then you're probably
not the sort who'd just go and plug himself
gratuitously anyway.
Here's a question, though: will the FAQ's be
"peer-reviewed," so to speak, before they go up? If
so, then if one of us refers to a decidedly silly
post, the rest of us will get a chance to remove the
reference. (I don't know if the idea of being edited
would bug anyone else in SLYTH, but it wouldn't bug
me, at any rate.) That ought to catch any ego-tripping
that slips in.
Derannimer, who plans to stand around and shuffle, herself
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