ADMIN/MEMB: Prospective Members

Ali Ali at
Fri Oct 31 11:00:57 UTC 2003

Cindy wrote:-

>>> Seriously, I am somewhat puzzled by this.  I pay reasonably close
 attention to posts on this list, and I do not recall seeing any
 request from Michelle at any time to join this list.  I remember
 seeing one from Kelley and one from Carolyn, but nothing from 
Michelle is coming to mind.  Now Tom is referencing Michelle's 
request, and I am feeling seriously out of the loop on this issue.  
Did this request occur off-list or on MEG? >>>


Cindy, as we all know, Michelle's original candidacy was unorthodox. 
I'm not sure that there is any point going over that situation 
again. What is relevant, is whether Michelle still wants to join 
FAQ - and given her treatment, she could be forgiven for thinking it 
would not be a pleasant experience for her - and what she would like 
to do when she gets here. If she doesn't want to get involved when 
she arrives, then I don't think it would be unreasonable to think 
that there would be no mutual benefit to inviting her. 

I do remember the comments about her wanting to observe. I read that 
information as meaning observing to see whether she would be able to 
contribute. I can't work in zoo-like conditions any more than you 
can. But, Michelle wants to stay involved in the admin of HPfGU, and 
if we can help her, I would like to. I believe it would be wrong to 
ascribe any ulterior motives to Michelle; she has never struck me as 
that "sort of person", and I have no reason to believe ill of her.

> Tom (on Carolyn and Kelley):
> >I AM NOT for Carolyn and Kelley if the only reason they want to be
> >members is because of Carolyn's proposed project, because I do not
> >think that we should be taking on any additional projects at this
> >time.

>>> I agree with Tom's analysis of the issue (although I only 
snipped this little bit of Tom's post).  I *really* don't want us to 
take on a huge side job like this, but if they want to write FPs 
instead, I would defer because I'm not really all that familiar with 
the posts of either one of them.  (Is Carolyn the alchemy person who 
coined Stoned!Harry, or is this someone different?  I may have more 
to add if she's the Stoned!Harry originator.)>>>


I'm not at all in favour of inviting 100 people onto this list to 
carry out the task that Carolyn envisages. But, I think that her 
idea carries alot of merit and it should be considered. I hated 
cataloguing, and can honestly say that I never want to do it again. 
But, we do still need it to the be done. It's great that Elkins was 
able to hi-light some of the best posts since OoP, but that's not a 
long term solution. We do still need the posts to be catalogued. If 
Carolyn is motivated on this issue, then I believe that we should at 
least give her the courtesy of discussing this *with* us - ie here. 
I don't think of this as an additional project, I think of it as 
something that should be done concurrently.

In terms of Kelley's candidacy, then it is certainly true that she 
wanted to come on board to help with Carolyn's project. It is 
equally true that Kelley is a very good techy and works incredibly 
hard for HPfGU. Even if Carolyn's project were to be rejected, I 
still feel that having Kelley here could only be advantageous.


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