ADMIN/MEMB: Prospective Members

Amanda editor at
Fri Oct 31 18:22:32 UTC 2003


> I somehow get the vague feeling that Amanda, at least, does have
> information that would be quite pertinent to why Michelle wants to 
> this group.

Yes. I do. She's interested in helping with FAQs. I can't think why I 
haven't said that before.

  Indeed, I can't help feel that there is some serious
> stonewalling going on that may well be unprecedented at HPfGU.  I 
> been a part of countless personnel decisions (who should be an elf, 
> should join FAQ, who should become a Mod, etc.).  This is the first 
> I can recall when a group member flatly refused to answer a point-
> question (I also put the question to Amanda off-list, BTW) about the
> circumstances of a candidate's petition.

I haven't checked my home email in a week, at least; no time, many 
people ill. The flu sucks. Emergency room trips suck.

I am not stonewalling anyone. I am not hiding anything. At this 
point, I'm getting the impression that even if I posted every word of 
every YM or post I made with Michelle, you would still think I'm 
hiding some dark nefarious secret.

Cindy, I don't have *time* to have dark nefarious secrets. Plotting 
and intrigue take energy and resources I don't have. Defrauding you 
is not something high on my agenda at the moment. 

If I had anything I felt truly needed clarifying or discussion, I'd 
have said it. I don't. See "Michelle was interested in FAQ and wanted 
to help" above.

I had considered that your Michelle-reservations were that you didn't 
want another MEG on the list. But now it seems your Michelle-
reservations are based on some perception that I'm concealing some 
vital and damning information. 

Let's make a deal. If you say it's not that she's a MEG, I'll believe 
you. And when I say I'm not stonewalling or hiding anything, you 
believe me. *Now* can we get on with things? Jeez.


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