[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Slytherins (WAS: Whoa, keeping up to date!)

Susannah Myers susannahlm at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 5 16:05:18 UTC 2003

--- elfundeb <elfundeb at comcast.net> wrote:

> Long, long ago (in February) I came up with a rough
> outline based on the topics we'd been discussing
> over the previous year, which I am copying below for
> use as a starter.  Since the outline treats DEs as
> one broad subject and Justice/Aurors as a separate
> subject, they would be easy to separate.  I also
> think we might want to (tentatively) fold Justice
> and Aurors into a general update of the Government
> FP, which OOP has rendered obsolete.
> Do we have enough people on the Slyth team to do
> both?  Perhaps if Derannimer and I worked on the
> Government/Justice/Aurors side and Tom and Cindy
> worked on the DE side?  Any other slytherin
> volunteers?   

Fine by me, Debbie.

> snip outline <

Yeah, this looks good. In re the Crouches -- while
there has, goodness knows, been a *ton* of brilliant
stuff written about them <looks pointedly at Elkins>
since they don't have all that much time in *canon,*
and since they are -- so far -- only in GOF. . . I
dunno. I think we can just keep Crouch in Government,
or Justice, or whatever. He'll just get a lot of great
links. : )

Oh, and btw, about the links. . . By *far* my favorite
way of incorporating links is the one used on the
Snape FAQ -- with the links just right in the text. I
don't know if this method is harder to use from the
standpoint of writing the FAQ -- but from the
standpoint of reading the FAQ, it's vastly simpler and
more user-friendly, at least in my experience.

Derannimer, who has never signed off with: "Just my
two Knuts," and who doesn't intend to start now, but
who does recognize that this is that sort of a post

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