[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Slytherin: DE's or Justice?

Susannah Myers susannahlm at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 5 21:30:37 UTC 2003

--- Tom Wall <thomasmwall at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Tom: Agreed with Cindy. I think that two or three of
> us should be 
> able to handle it, and by that I mean: two or three
> on 'government,' 
> and two or three on the Death Eaters.
> Maybe we should just pick one or the other and hop
> to it? Then we can 
> move on to the *other* topic after that.

And that's fine by me too; I have absolutely no
preference in this matter, as both topics sound like a
blast. I think Tom has a point about the logistics of
this, though -- and can I make a suggestion? If we
tackle first one topic, then the other, should we
maybe do DE's first? Because there are all sorts of
organizational difficulties with the relationship
between Government and Justice. (The most basic of
which being: Are they the same FAQ?) And it might make
more sense to get on with DE's; keep an eye on the
discussion on list, to see how Governmental/Judicial
discussions are handled on the list; and then do
Justice after we've come to some conclusions about the
most logical way to handle it.

I don't know, though; someone else may have a better
idea. (And does anyone else want to come on to


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