SLYTHERIN: Possible organization
Tom Wall
thomasmwall at
Tue Sep 9 20:58:48 UTC 2003
Yo, Slytherins!
<Tom shoots a sidewards glance at the Gryffindors and hums softly
under his breath: "Weasley is our King..." He looks around the table
expectantly, and catches a few sets of twinkling eyes. Chortling to
himself, he resumes his straight face.>
Yes, well... Are we all for starting with the Death Eaters for now?
Okay. I went back and found some old categories from Debbie's
original list and then my additions to it. Debbie's list was posted
by Cindy in #1918, and my additions came in #1922. It's so nice that
we can still search this list and find stuff that we wrote months
ago. I've taken to marking down all of my posts on the main
list 'cause I can never find them anymore. Oh well...
Anyways, it seems to me that we might be able to move some of the
groups around by making them sub-groups of other major categories. I
know I missed a lot, but I filled in what I could think of off the
top of the noggin.
I. DE Roll Call
I think I got them all, but I'm not sure. I tried to categorize these
guys according to how high up in the ranks they appear to be,
although this is definitely up to interpretation and they could be
organized better. Then, I finished it up with a list of other
characters that have been accused. There's some really good stuff out
there on that, and we could sneak in those posts like Evil!
McGonagall, and Evil!Lupin that I've been clamoring for without
creating a whole separate FP, although come to think of it, a whole
separate FP wouldn't entirely be out of line... <shakes his head>
The Top:
Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange,
Snape (maybe a reference?), Barty Crouch Jr.(d) (cross-reference to
the ever-so-exciting Crouch FP that's on the way... Who-HOO!)
Antonin Dolohov, Walden Macnair, Wormtail (where was he in OoP,
anyways?), Augustus Rookwood, Jugson, Mulciber
What do/did these guys do, exactly?
Igor Karkaroff, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Avery, Evan Rosier(d), Wilkes
(d), Regulus Black(d), Travers(d)
The accused: Narcissa, Fudge, Bagman, Molly Weasley, Percy Weasley,
Granny Longbottom, McGonagall, Lupin, Sirius, Ernie's "Harry as
competing Dark Lord," (there are so many of these...)
I think that some possible cross-referencing and subcategories here
could include (as Debbie suggested) could be along the lines of "The
three missing Death Eaters (GoF)," The three loyal death Eaters
(GoF)," "The loyal Death Eater at Hogwarts (GoF)," "Who's gonna pay,
who's gonna die? (GoF)," and so forth. OoP questions elude me at the
II. Who are the Death Eaters?
-JKR had a bit on their history and how they were once called
the "Knights of Walpurgis," which would be good here. We could have
subcategories here on recruitment (maybe mention that Voldemort makes
threats, promises, curses and so forth to gain support,) the
loyalists' motivations (power, elimination of muggleborns,) whether
or not they're a cult, relation to Slytherin House...
III. Who are Voldemort's followers?
Yeah, the separation of followers from Death Eaters might be
relevant. Possible categories might include: the members of
Voldemort's Army (dementors, giants and who knows what else,) the
post Quidditch World Cup scene with the swelling crowd, Sirius'
parents and that bit about how Voldemort had tons of support before
people realized what he was willing to do to get power...
IV. Death Eater Operations
Categories seem to include structure and organization, secrecy,
spies, masks, anonymity (who knows who), in-crowd loyalty, and then a
bit on their goals as well, like breaking open Azkaban, contacting
the giants, collecting the prophecy, assembling in the graveyard,
battle in the Department of Mysteries, the original attack on the
V. DE Magic Theories My take on this is still that we don't know a
lot about the Dark Arts, so for now, we might as well include it with
the DE's, since I doubt whether or not it would have enough to form
its own FP. Possible stuff we could discuss: dark arts as scapegoat
(i.e. Gringotts in PS/SS, Sirius' escape from Azkaban in PoA,)
Knockturn Alley how do they get away with it?; Flesh, Blood and
Bone, Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent, Borgin & Burkes (Hand of Glory and
other artifacts. Grindelwald anyone?
VI. Dark Mark theories: I remember some stuff about this in the past,
but I'm sure there's a lot more that I haven't read. Some of what I
recall included the origins of "morsmordre," symbolism of the snake
and skull, Dark Mark as a tattoo (cross-reference this with secrecy
and methods of opration?), and a parallel with the D.A.'s galleons.
VII. Power Boost theories This was on Debbie's original list, and I
still don't know what it means. ;-)
I'm thinking that looks like something we can start with. Obviously
we're missing a lot, and we can definitely reshuffle stuff depending
on how important y'all think certain categories are.
Oh, and I agree with Derannimer's mention of the Snape FP - I also
think that that's really well organized and easy to use, and it helps
us let the members' posts do the talking for us... all we have to do
is connect them so that it makes sense. I do, however, think that we
might want to consider hybridizing that technique with the lists of
post numbers that occur in the other FP's. So, some can be mentioned
in paragraph form, and others we can shuffle off to an "Additional
Reading" section or something. This way, we can get the best of both
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