[HP4GU-FAQ] Paul's Magical Spreadsheets

Heidi Tandy heidit at netbox.com
Wed Sep 17 17:20:54 UTC 2003

On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 10:49AM -0500, Cindy C. wrote:
> Laura's post on OTC about de-lurks got me thinking that we might want
> to make Paul's two spreadsheets available to members.  I figure
> there's no sense in requiring people to use the Yahoo function when we
> have something better right here.
> Any objections?

Only that people are able to always delete posts they've made from the 
yahoogroup, whereas we wouldn't be able to delete that info/content from 
what Paul's created.

Of course, those of us who work on fps may have access to otherwise 
deleted posts, but (a) we're not really the general public and (b) we 
wouldn't use them in an fp because we wouldn't be able to link to them.

But making paul's stuff public would strip away that bit of 
delete-privilege from the users, and I don't know, overall, if that's 
something we want to do.

Is it?


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