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Margaret --
<p>I'm going to try & help (but my technical competence level is low)!
<p>If you've never used egroups before, then yes, you do need to register.
Go to egroups.com. Mine "remembers" me so I don't have to sign in
each time. But, I suspect you do need to register if you've never
done so before.
<p>If you have registered before but it's not accepting your password,
is it possible you've forgotten your password?
<p>Anyway, once egroups lets you in -- this group should be one of the
ones listed on the left-hand side of the screen. You're sending &
receiving email from this group, so you must be subscribed.
<p>Aacck. Not sure if I'm helping or not -- maybe someone else will
have suggestions to offer.
<p>"McNie, Margaret" wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><font size=-1>.K. I finally got started with my messages
today. But being an egroups virgin, I have no clue how to get into our
site. So can someone lead me step by step? I did go into egroups.com and
tried to use 'my groups' but when I put in my email address and the password
I always use, it said the password was unknown. Do I have to register?
(You'd think a computer programmer could figure this out, wouldn't you?
But I'm strictly mainframe. I get really lost with this PC stuff.)</font>
<p><font size=-1>To Melanie, I wouldn't mind doing the maintenance on the
Lupin and Dumbledore FAQs. I'm assuming there is one for each even if I
haven't been able to get into our site to see them. I might be able to
take some of the others when I can see what they are. I'm with Penny though;
I don't want the casting stuff. I do read it but just to see how outrageous
it's getting: David McCallum for my Lupin? He's DECADES too old, please!</font>
<p><font size=-1>Anyway, thanks in advance to whoever jumps in to help.</font>
<p><font size=-1>Margaret</font>
<br><font size=-1>(sarvalsha)</font>
<p><font size=-1>-----Original Message-----</font>
<br><font size=-1>From: Penny Linsenmayer [<a href="mailto:linsenma@hic.net">mailto:linsenma@hic.net</a>]</font>
<br><font size=-1>Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 3:05 PM</font>
<br><font size=-1>To: HP4GU-FAQ@egroups.com</font>
<br><font size=-1>Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] Master List of FAQs</font>
<p><font size=-1>Hi:</font>
<p><font size=-1>When you have a moment, take a look at the Master List
of FAQs that I</font>
<br><font size=-1>created & put in the "Database" section of our egroups.
We can add &</font>
<br><font size=-1>edit this as necessary. It's based on the topical
groupings from</font>
<br><font size=-1>people who've sifted through their messages & my
own thoughts. Paul:</font>
<br><font size=-1>I</font>
<br><font size=-1>love some of your heading titles (especially New York
Times: Evil</font>
<br><font size=-1>Behavior). <vbg></font>
<p><font size=-1>We can change this -- but I started out with the premise
that we</font>
<br><font size=-1>could</font>
<br><font size=-1>group some sub-topics under a larger topic. For
example, I have a</font>
<br><font size=-1>FAQ on Hogwarts. I would expect that would include
the theories</font>
<br><font size=-1>about</font>
<br><font size=-1>where Hogwarts is located, whether there is tuition,
the size of the</font>
<br><font size=-1>student body, where the professors live & whether
they're married or</font>
<br><font size=-1>not, etc.</font>
<p><font size=-1>Similarly, I set up a FAQ for each of the major characters
(I know, I</font>
<br><font size=-1>forgot Pettigrew -- we'll add him). The Hermione
page would have a</font>
<br><font size=-1>cross-link to the Names (meanings) FAQ, a physical description
<br><font size=-1>Hermione, her personality, a cross-link to the Romance
Pairings FAQ,</font>
<br><font size=-1>the prounciation of her name, etc.</font>
<p><font size=-1>For the Committee: I've created columns for the
name of the person</font>
<br><font size=-1>creating the FAQ, date of completion & who's responsible
<br><font size=-1>maintaining it. My thought is that once the FAQs
are written, we</font>
<br><font size=-1>might be able to talk some of the other members into
volunteering to</font>
<br><font size=-1>maintain a FAQ or 2. That way, we, the 5-person
Committee, won't be</font>
<br><font size=-1>trying to maintain 10-15 FAQs each.</font>
<p><font size=-1>Heidi has expressed an interest in the Geography FAQ (where
<br><font size=-1>Hogwarts, the Burrow, Diagon Alley, etc.) & the Mythology
FAQ. I am</font>
<br><font size=-1>placing dibs on Hermione. I'm assigning "CoverArt"
& "Other</font>
<br><font size=-1>Recommended Reading" to Skimmel if he'll do them. He
usually weighs</font>
<br><font size=-1>in</font>
<br><font size=-1>heavily on both those topics. If you're not a member
of the 5-person</font>
<br><font size=-1>"Committee" but want to do one or more of the FAQs, let
me know.</font>
<br><font size=-1>We're more than happy to take your help. And, I
do not want to be</font>
<br><font size=-1>stuck with Casting. <g></font>
<p><font size=-1>Oh, email the group with your "dibs" on various FAQs.
That way</font>
<br><font size=-1>Melanie will know that Neil has already placed dibs on
<br><font size=-1>Harry"</font>
<br><font size=-1>for example. That is, I won't have to sort through
& figure out who</font>
<br><font size=-1>put dibs on something first. You might want to think
about initially</font>
<br><font size=-1>volunteering for one large FAQ and some of the smaller
ones. I</font>
<br><font size=-1>wanted</font>
<br><font size=-1>to try & sort them into large ones and then more
minor ones, but then</font>
<br><font size=-1>my head started to hurt.</font>
<p><font size=-1>Is any of this making sense? <g></font>
<p><font size=-1>Penny</font>
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