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Hi --
<p>Neil Ward wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>When it comes to Mysteries and Inconsistencies,
just about anything *could* be placed somewhere else, so are we using these
four categories to mop up stray topics?</tt></blockquote>
I was thinking more of a listing of the various mysteries that have been
raised that *are* specific to each book. These mysteries can either
be discussed in full or cross-referenced to other FAQs if it makes more
sense. Examples --
<p> SS -- where were Hagrid & Harry during that whole
day from the time the Potters were attacked & Hagrid brought Harry
to Privet Drive?
<br> CoS -- Ancestor v Descendant Mystery
Why can Mr. Weasley be maligned for enchanting a car while Sirius' flying
motorcycle seems to be no problem in SS?
<br> PoA -- Mr. Weasley says Harry & Ron have ended
up in the Forbidden Forest twice. Not true really since Ron hasn't
been there twice, only Harry.
Can butterbeer be transported or not?
<p>Joywitch did an excellent 3 part summary of Mysteries & Inconsistencies
raised thus far on June 18th (Yahoo Club) -- my print-outs don't have the
message #s but the date was June 18th. It occurs to me in skimming
this that it might be better to have an overall Mysteries & Inconsistencies
FAQ since some of the mysteries do indeed overlap & aren't specific
to any one book. Since I signed up for half the Mysteries topic,
I could just do this entire thing. Or, Melanie could do up whatever
is specific to SS and Neil could do up whatever is specific to CoS and
both send them to me -- I could then collate them into a coherent whole.
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>The last time I printed it out, there was
nothing in the FORT</tt>
<br><tt>on Mysteries and Inconsistencies in CoS, so I'm not even sure what
I would include there at the moment.</tt></blockquote>
The ancestor v descendant controversy is the big one that comes to mind.
Of course, *I'm* the one most familiar with that topic since I raise it
every time I think about it . . . .so I'll be happy to take over this entire
Mysteries FAQ if people think that seems like a better plan.
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>I think I'm a little further behind than the
rest of you, as I'm still</tt>
<br><tt>looking through the messages rather than writing FAQs, and now
<br><tt>seriously distracted by my 'proper' job. I'll be dropping
in and out over the next week or so and getting most of the FAQ writing
done in early October.</tt></blockquote>
Sounds fine -- I think we're going to all be running a bit behind the October
1st deadline. I'm aiming to have at least 7 of my 10 done for sure
before we leave for vacation on Sept 29th. Maybe I'll get more done
-- who knows. Maybe we should all give Melanie whatever we have done
by Oct 1st though so she can start the formatting job.
<p>Curiosity -- what is your "proper" job Neil? Something in the
science field, right?