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<p>Margaret McNie wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>I have gone through all the Lupin messages and
am about ready to start</tt>
<br><tt>writing. However, I have just started looking at the Dumbledore
stuff and</tt>
<br><tt>that's bigger. I would like to finish both before I leave on the
<br><tt>although I don't know how realistic that is. Perhaps I can manage
at least a good first cut. Then I can give them more attention when I get
back. Hope that's o.k.</tt></blockquote>
Sounds great to me! At this point . . . I'm running so far behind
with my own FAQs that I'm hardly in a position to complain about anyone
else. <g> Made great headway on JKR yesterday, but it's
nowhere near ready to post. Sorry! I will turn my full attention
to these things when we return though. I swear!
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>Hmm, just thinking. My Lupin FAQ was going to
include a 'Is he sexy?'</tt>
<br><tt>section . . . as I'm sure the Sirius one will. While that is well
and good for this forum, I wonder whether some modifications would be needed
for a general audience publication. Not that I planned on saying anything</tt>
<br><tt>objectionable or graphic but is this something we would need to
consider if we plan on a book?</tt></blockquote>
I'm with Heidi on that one. I think we'll be targeting a more adult
readership -- we should avoid anything graphic obviously. But innuendo
& general humor should be included. The fanfic section should
obviously contain "adult content" warnings for those to which it applies.