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<p>Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<pre>Penny, since other people are putting a "is ______ sexy" thing in
their FAQ, can I put that into mine, so I can use Cassandra's really
funny comment from yesterday on the PoU list, or would that be a
violation of the FAQ-writing rules?</pre>
Yes!!! Please put that hilarious comment into your FAQ. I thought
that was absolutely priceless, and we simply must include it! I will
*not* be including illustrations of Hermione in slinky red tank tops &
leather pants in my FAQ though. :--)</blockquote>
So you'll be providing links to those sites instead, right? (to make the
guys happy...)</html>