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Hi --
<p>I think it sounds as though the group would like to go ahead & upload
some of the completed FAQs as soon as we can. I agree as I think
that could be a good motivator for many of us to go ahead & finish
up. Here are my questions & thoughts:
<p>1. We need to create an overall organization for the FAQs -- a
logical "Table of Contents" or launch page or what have you. I'm
willing to take a shot at that, unless someone else has more time &/or
has an idea in mind for what it might look like. I assume we can
then just leave the links "inactive" for the uncompleted FAQs?
<p>2. We seem to have lost our HTML person (Melanie). Has anyone
heard from her? I know she said she was going to have a busy workschedule
in Sept/Oct, but then we really haven't heard *anything* in so long that
I'm not sure if she's abandoned us or not. <g> If she doesn't
indeed surface soon, does anyone else have the technical expertise to take
over this aspect of it? I do not.
<p>3. I would like to edit them all for grammar, spelling, typos
& the like before they get HTML'd. Once we have a plan for #1
& #2 above, I'll press forward with doing that. Although, I guess
everyone should indicate to me which FAQs that have been uploaded are ready
for me to edit & which ones you still want to make additions to.
<p>4. Does anyone know (or can anyone figure out) how we might best
go about editing the uploaded FAQs in the future? It's not an immediate
problem, but I was just curious. For example, the wand order mystery.
"Solved" in recent weeks it would appear. If I needed to go into
the Mysteries FAQ & add a blurb about the "new" printings of GoF &
what Bloomsbury wrote to Neil (AND I don't know anything about HTML), how
hard (or easy) is it for me to maintain that FAQ?
<p>heidi tandy wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>With maintaining the registrations, no - I donated
the cost of the</tt>
<br><tt>$14 in registration fees to The Cause, out of the goodness of my</tt>
<br><tt>heart. At some point, maybe we'll raise some fees to cover next</tt>
<br><tt>year's costs, but we havre until July to worry about it.</tt>
<br><tt>Penny - what is steve's input on the costs we'd have to bear for</tt>
<br><tt>space on his server? Are there any? Can he host our domain name?</tt></blockquote>
Uh .... I don't know. I will ask. I'll cc: you on that email
to him Heidi as this business is all a bit Greek to me I'm afraid.
I'm not entirely clear what you mean by him hosting our domain name, but
I will pose the question. <g>