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Hi --
<p>Yeah, I suppose we do need to have a Neville FAQ. I hadn't realized
that one was missing either. Okay, let's add those 2 to the "open"
list. Okay, I just did that, and I added "British Education System"
by John. I also changed to indicate that Jeralyn did "Other Recommended
Reading." And, I changed it so that it reads that I am doing Houses
of Hogwarts instead of Melanie. In other words, it's pretty well
<p>Neil Ward wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
<font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Penny
wrote:</font></font></font>MISSING FAQ -- one other FAQ that I continue
to keep forgetting should be added to the "open" list is a character FAQ
on Peter Pettigrew. We should at least add it to the index &
offer all the "open" FAQs up to the general membership to author if none
of us feel up to the task. I think though that we should focus on
getting all of our assigned FAQs done & uploaded first. The completed
ones can then serve as a guideline for anyone considering writing one of
the remaining FAQs.<font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>I
don't think we have a Neville Longbottom FAQ either. There has been
more on him that some of the minor FAQ topics... should we throw him in
there?</font></font></font><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Neil</font></font></font>
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