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Hi --
<p>"Tandy, Heidi" wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>1. Let's convert everyone on webview to Special
Okay. How?
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>2. I do need to update the bookbanning one (although
only slightly - and I</tt>
<br><tt>can put links to Abanes in here if EVERYONE thinks it appropriate)
and the</tt>
<br><tt>lawsuit one, although I've been putting that one off so I canupdate
it right</tt>
<br><tt>before we go live, since things could change, and it's more a legalese</tt>
<br><tt>article than a compendium of messages.</tt></blockquote>
I think it's fine to put a notation about the Abanes Affair into that one,
although it might be more appropriate in the Religion FAQ. Thoughts?
It could go in both I suppose.
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>3. What about my Malfoy Family Faq that Cassie
& I are doing? Huh? What</tt>
<br><tt>about it? <pouts about woobiekin draco></tt></blockquote>
I remembered it later! Adding it to the Master List right now so
we don't lose it again. :--) Glad to hear that you & Cassie
are doing it -- I'd forgotten that.
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>5. I was under the impression that we had decided
to link the Character</tt>
<br><tt>Names to each of the other character FAQs and I was going to cover
<br><tt>names, like Figg and Krum - is that still the case?</tt></blockquote>
That sounds fine. I'm probably behind the times.
<p>I like Mike's suggestions re: expanding Racial Diversity to include
gender, sexuality -- that all go under the umbrella of Wizarding World:
Social Issues, couldn't it?