[HP4GU-OTEvents] A New Idea for a Baby Gift
Amanda Lewanski
editor at texas.net
Wed Apr 25 12:13:17 UTC 2001
This sounds fabulous. You can get mini books of all kinds of kid books,
too--Beatrix Potter, etc., if you wanted the "mini book" to be of that
heidit at netbox.com wrote:
> http://www2.buildabear.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?
> &User_ID=1110416&St=8183&St2=77746574&St3=-
> 62069146&DS_ID=2&Product_ID=10095&DID=9
> It's from the Build A Bear Workshop - I was thinking we could get the
> Baby's First Pink Bear if Penny has a girl, and dress her in "witch"
> clothing - and get a regular brown bear and dress him in wizard garb
> + glasses - send the baby a set of Harry & Hermione Bears.
> We should be able to find a little book to add to the witch bear's
> ensemble insteadof the owl.
> Any thoughts?
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