X-POST: Congratulations to Penny and Bryce - the baby is here!

Neil Ward neilward at ...
Thu Apr 26 03:54:16 UTC 2001

I'm delighted to pass on snippets from a message that Carole received from
Bryce (Penny's husband):

<<Elizabeth Grace made her entrance tonight [Weds] around 6:00 p.m. -
she and mom are doing great.  She weighs right at 8 pounds and is
clearly superior in every way (although we are somewhat biased).

She and mom did very well, though, and are expected to be in Texas Women's
until Saturday.  Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, prayers and good
wishes - we'll send pictures soon (when daddy figures out how to use the
scanner - the computer is clearly mommy's domain).


Penny on a computer?  Never heard of such a thing!

Join me in a cybertoast to the new family... "To Penny, Bryce and Elizabeth
Grace". Hic!


Flying Ford Anglia
Mechanimagus Moderator

"The cat's ginger fur was thick and fluffy, but it was definitely
a bit bow-legged and its face looked grumpy and oddly
squashed, as though it had run headlong into a brick wall"
["The Leaky Cauldron", PoA]

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