ADMIN: Add your thoughts regarding our groups' future

john at ... john at ...
Sun Aug 19 16:11:41 UTC 2001

Second time of sending, sorry. Email is floozy today...

I've just put up a database in the Main List's Database section which has a 
bunch of blank spaces for us all to fill in our ideas, hopes, dreams, likes 
and dislikes about what we can do to make the groups of HPFGU an enjoyable 
place for everyone, new or old. The direct link is:

Add your thoughts, no matter what they are (except, perhaps, for "burn all 
people who can't spell right all the time at the stake"). The Moderators 
*need* to hear them in order to make informed decisions about the future of 
the group.

Yours, for the Moderator Group,

--John Walton

John Walton / Crazy Ivan
     HPforGrownups Moderator With Rock #47

@     john at ...
YM     johnwalton_crazyivan
ModMail     hpforgrownups-owner at


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