FF: Keeper's Secrets 1 is up in Paradise!
John Walton
john at johnwaltonvu.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 10 03:06:03 UTC 2001
Hello, lovely lovely HPFGUers!
Before you are treated to Al's wonderful bit of Syzygy as the first part of
the Paradise Winter Spectacular, I just want to get a bit of "Keeper's
Secrets" in before the 12...I mean 21 Days of Paradise actually start.
You'll get more on Yule (21 December), possibly a bit before then, and then
one a day from 23 December to 1 January. Lucky you!
It's at
but if that link is broken, click on chapter one at this page --
Keeper's Secrets is set during the Prisoner of Azkaban. Chapter 1 contains
Oliver's 18th birthday, a pub visit, and some revelations.
Warning -- Keeper's Secrets is O/P slash and deals with romance between two
18-year-old men. Not much in this chapter, but later chapters may get a
little heavy on the petting. There will also be mature language and themes.
If this squicks you, please go no further and enjoy the rest of the 21 Days
of Paradise :)
Please enjoy this fic responsibly: read and review, either here on the list
or at FictionAlley (Keeper's Secrets will be found at AstronomyTower.org
under "Wood's Keeper" as soon as it's uploaded).
Cheers -- a happy Chanukah to all Jewish Paradisers (mmm, latkes...), and a
joyous coming season to the rest of you. Happy reading!
--John, Wood's Keeper, aka Crazy Ivan
*"Quidditch Through The Ages" by Kennilworthy Whisp: 14 Sickles 3 Knuts
*New Firebolt Broom: just over 100 Galleons
*Watching Draco Malfoy being bounced up and down
after being turned into a ferret: Priceless
The best things in life are free. For everything else, there's Harry Potter.
John Walton -- john at ...
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