And *Still* Another Harry Potter Fanfiction List...

Ebony Elizabeth Thomas ebonyink at ...
Mon Jun 11 23:35:37 UTC 2001

Hey, HP4GUers...

Remember my plug for Barbara Purdom's new fic, "Harry Potter and the Psychic 
Serpent" ( author handle--Barb LP) almost two weeks ago?

Here's another one.  As of Saturday, Barb has her own fanfiction list.  :-)  
Two days later, she has 40 members.

The URL for the new list is here:

and the URL for the fic itself is here:

Get Psyched out.  Join HP_Psych today.

Smiles and hugs,

Ebony AKA AngieJ

(P.S.  Yes, I know that you're already a member of loads of Harry Potter 
yahoogroups and other lists.  I weep for you... I deeply sympathize.  
HP_Psych is my twenty-second Harry Potter fandom-related list... this is why 
they invented the webview-only option, you know.  :-))

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
Ebony AKA AngieJ
ebonyink at ...

Come join us in Paradise!


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