Plug: Hogwarts Trilogy
*Lilith Morgana*
lilith_snape at ...
Sun Jun 24 21:11:57 UTC 2001
Since Norty herself said it was okay to plug own fics, that's what I
do. I want readers. :::grins:::
So, my latest addition to the world of fanfiction is this:
**Title:** Hogwarts Trilogy
**Sub-title:** Secrets and Sorceresses
**Rating:** R for intended audience, possible violence and teenagers
being teenagers. Also for slash themes.
**Category:** Drama/Action/Adventure (would like to chose Angst and
Romance too, but ffnet didn't let me.)
**Summary:** In co-operation with the Order of the Minor Characters,
this story is proud to present Lisa Turpin, Susan Bones, Millicent
Bulstrode and Ginny Weasley! It's book 5 with OWLs, dating, scaring
omens, tedious homework, silly pranks, the return of Voldemort and
good old Professor Snape.
Lilith Morgana
who'd like everyone to keep her Swedish origin in mind while reading
her (very beta-read!) stories instead of complaining.
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