ADMIN/X-POST: Weekly discussions - revised schedule & what happens next?
Neil Ward
neilward at ...
Mon Mar 26 00:47:46 UTC 2001
Hi everyone!
We're coming to the end of our current set of weekly discussion topics on the main HPfGU list, and there are one or two revisions to the last few scheduled lead-off summaries:
Here is the plan for the next few weeks (volunteers in brackets):
26th March - 1st April: Hermione Granger and & GoF Chap 36 (both from Penny)
2nd - 8th April: Ron Weasley (Susan)
9th - 15th April: Harry Potter (Joywitch) & Chap 37 GoF (Pippin)
See recent schedule, here (in the Files section of the main list):
See links table to completed chapter summaries, here (also in the Files section):
(thanks to Barb Khaja for help with this)
We're making tentative plans to continue the scheduled discussions. The idea is that we'd discuss chapters from PoA, then CoS, then PS/SS, with the last set completing just before the release of the Warner Brothers movie. Alongside these we're suggesting various topics for sketches.
We'd like to know whether you want to continue some or all of these scheduled discussions, and if so, whether you'd volunteer to write a lead-off summary or two. There is a poll on HPfGU-Announcements:
You can also view the proposed new topics at:
Send your questions, comments or suggestions to Neil at neilward at
If we do go ahead with the plan, we'll be looking for the first few new volunteers in a week or so's time. For those who are completely new to the list, the idea of the summaries is to sum up a chapter or chapters from one of the HP books, or present a sketch of a character or topic, for the purposes of discussion. Summaries are posted on Monday each week, they can be short or long and the writer usually poses a few questions at the end to fire things off...
Please vote in the poll and watch this space for further information.
Flying Ford Anglia
Mechanimagus Moderator (revving up)
"Krum, his red robes shining with blood from his nose,
was rising gently into the air, his fist held high, a glint
of gold in his hand." ["The Quidditch World Cup", GoF]
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