TiP8 Posted! (CROSS-POST)

Ebony AKA AngieJ ebonyink at ...
Tue Mar 27 01:03:39 UTC 2001

Hello, fellow HP fanfic readers and writers...

The eighth installment of the strange soap, *Trouble in Paradise*, is 
up at ff.net.

Chapter 8--Sorrow's Kitchen

Or please search by author name--my handle's AngieJ.

Subsequent discussions will be held on the HP_Paradise list as usual, 
a virtual tropical coffeehouse (pauses at that image) that I share 
with some of my best fanfic-writing friends in this fandom.  We have 
a lot of fun over there... there are some tidbits that are only 
posted on that list... so why not join us in Paradise?

The URL is:

As this chapter is 182K, I expect it will keep you busy until 
Easter.  As the rate of reader response seems directly proportionate 
to the length of the chapter, I'll be pleasantly surprised if I get 
feedback before then.  ;-)


Ebony AKA AngieJ

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