CROSS-POST: (FF) Trouble in Paradise--Chapter 9 Plug

Ebony Elizabeth Thomas ebonyink at ...
Tue May 8 22:31:38 UTC 2001

In case any out there is interested, another chapter of the novel-length 
post-Hogwarts fanfiction *Trouble in Paradise* has been posted.

Chapter 9, Lady Marmalade, can be found in either of the following two 

Make *sure* you read the warnings beforehand.

If you do read, be prepared to sit awhile.  To say that this chapter is long 
is like saying Voldemort has a very mild yet understandable fixation on 
certain teenage boys with scars... and people whose parents are magically 
challenged.  ;-)

Hope you enjoy.  And hey, even if you don't, it's the thought that counts, 
right?  So as Eeyore would say, "thanks for noticin' me".

Best always,


<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
Ebony AKA AngieJ
ebonyink at ...

Come join us in Paradise!


"The night whose sable breast relieves the stark,
White stars is no less lovely being dark,
And there are buds that cannot bloom at all
In light, but crumble, piteous, and fall;
So in the dark we hide the heart that bleeds,
And wait, and tend our agonizing seeds."

--Countee Cullen, Harlem Renaissance poet (c. 1927)

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