Penny Dredfule Part Nine
Jamieson Wolf Villeneuve
crowswolf at ...
Mon May 14 02:59:08 UTC 2001
Hello All!
I've just posted part nine of my HP fic, Penny Dredfule. You can find
it on the HP Fanfiction group, or on under my author
name (Jamieson) or the title (Penny Dredfule).
I've reached the home strech with this story, something I didn't think
I would do. Turns out I was wrong, and I have someone to thank for
So, while this is rather a lone announcement, I'd just like to say:
Nuff said, please R&R, I'd be honoured!
PS-I've posted this to HP Announcements and to ffreviewers, so sorry
for the cross post!
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