"The Rebirth" Chapter 8
irina at irina_author.yahoo.invalid
Wed Nov 21 16:52:36 UTC 2001
Hi All!
Just a quick email to let you know that Chapter 8 of "The Rebirth" is
now up on ffn and the HP Pendragon yahoo group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPPendragon) and will be up on schnoogle
shortly. Author name: Irina. This chapter has something for
everyone-Death Eaters, Christmas presents, a party, a plot, some
romance, a surprise about Dana and Delia, and, best of all, the
identity of the second protector. Don't miss the penultimate chapter
of this fic.
Best regards,
Your mom wants you to read "The Rebirth"
Don't forget to review!
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