FF: "If We Survive" Chapter 11 is up

Horst or Rebecca J. Bohner bohners at ...
Mon Sep 3 18:26:02 UTC 2001

Chapter 11:  And Makes Me End

In which Muriel meets her match, and so does Imogen; we find out what really
happened to George -- and Snape; McGonagall speaks out on an important
subject, and Maud solves a mystery; the Battle of Hogwarts ends not with a
whimper but with a bang; and Fred gets a taste of his own medicine from an
unexpected source.

"If We Survive" is the third story in a trilogy, which began with "The
Potions Master's Apprentice" and continued in "Personal Risks".  You can
find IWS at

Merci bien,
Rebecca J. (Anderson) Bohner
Specializing in Snape, Moody and George at

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