The Unexpected Task, hosted on FictionAlley
heidit at
Fri Aug 9 15:10:51 UTC 2002
Earlier this week, one of FictionAlley's regular users proposed a
challenge here
Put aside fics you ordinarily read and instead, spend the weekend of
August 10-11, 2002, reading fics focusing on a SHIP, character or
era that you wouldn't ordinarily read. In other words - it's
an "Unexpected Fic."
As of now, over four dozen people have accepted the challenge - will
you? Read more at the link above, or here:
If you never read Harry/Hermione fics, give one a try. If you hate
redeemed!draco, read a chapter or two of a fic that delves into his
character. Hate Lily/James Love/Hate fics? Try one anyway - it might
not be as fluffy as you fear. Or read whatever doesn't regularly
tickle your fancy.
Note: unless you're choosing to read "badly spelled fics" as your
challenge, no selecting things that are badly spelled just to prove
to yourself that you don't like something. Pick something that's
appreciated by people who like the genre that you don't. Ask, take
suggestions. You can use the <a
y.php?forumid=5">Sorting Hat</a> to help you decide, or ask around
on sites that focus on SHIPs or characters you don't normally read -
I'm sure the people at SugarQuill, GT, Werewolf Registry, Guns &
Handcuffs and Ships' Registry, among other sites, will be happy to
make suggestions!
And if you don't ordinarily read fanfic at all, pick your favorite
character <a
y.php?&forumid=15">here</a> and have at it! You never know...
heidi for FAMods
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