Announcing the new Harry Potter H/C list
Karin <>
karin at
Sat Dec 7 20:34:40 UTC 2002
Hello HP fans! :-)
Noticing the distinct lack of Hurt/Comfort (H/C) fic in the HP fandom,
my friend and I decided to take matters into our own hands and start a
group devoted to this genre. The new, first, and only H/C discussion
and fanfiction list can be found at
What is H/C? Basically, it's about stories where a character is hurt
(physically or emotionally) and another character comforts him.
If you want to join us, visit the Yahoogroups page at the URL above.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at
HarryPotterHC-owner at
Aline and Siamkatze
Moderators/Administrators of HarryPotterHC
More information about the HPFGU-Announcements