TLC outbid in auction :(

heidi tandy heidit at
Thu Dec 12 17:09:45 UTC 2002

We're sorry guys. You all raised almost $24,000 for
charity. We didn't even have a chance to bid; someone
bought the card for nearly $38,000 (24,000 pounds was
the final bid). That's almost $47,000 with the added

We can't believe it was that much either. But hey -
you guys are giving TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS to
charity. Sure, it would have felt better to have
gotten the card - but look what you did. Thank you.
More details soon over at 

Thanks, again, to the fandom - thousands of donors and
hundreds of webmasters and mailing list mods, and
dozens of artists, all made this a wonderful thing for
Book Aid, International. 

heidi, for The Leaky Cauldron

heidi tandy

They say its a sign of mental health to hold apparently contradictory ideas in your mind. The world of late has been a particularly exotic stew of horror and beauty. There are killers, there are saints. The trick is to find the right spot on the spectrum between abject despair and total obliviousness. And then carry on...
Joel Achenbach

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