ADMIN: Reminder on quoting and snipping

Neil Ward neilward at
Fri Jun 7 03:05:28 UTC 2002

Dear HPfGU Members,

A quick reminder to all on a few of our posting rules...

 When replying to one or more posts, please:

 - include text from the original message(s), as appropriate;

- snip out any text that is not relevant to your response (particularly when
responding to one part of a multi-topic post);

- indicate clearly the name/nickname of the person (or people) you are

- check that the message header is still appropriate;

- put your name or nickname at the end of your message.

 For further information on quoting/snipping, please refer to section 2.4 of
our Humongous Bigfile:

Thanks for your cooperation.

for the Moderators
 Flying Ford Anglia

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