ADMIN: (please read!) New prefix for Theory Bay/posting guidelines

Neil Ward neilward at
Fri May 3 21:54:40 UTC 2002

~~ Overhead, startled listies see a dark, unfathomable shape circling the
night sky.  Is it a barnowl? Is it a broomstick?  No - it's the Flying Ford
Anglia! ~~

Hi everyone.  It's your rusty mechanimagus moderator here, with a refresher
on the use of prefixes and news on a new rule.  Aaaargh, yes - a new rule!

Before all that, the moderators are pleased to announce that the Humongous
Bigfile and VFAQ - have been
significantly updated.  Thanks to everyone who pointed out errors/broken
links or just generally prodded us with a Smeltings stick.

Okay, the new rule.  Pin back your ears...


For some time, we've been asking members to use prefixes for posts referring
to fanfiction (FF:) and shipping (SHIP:).  In recent months, a new posting
style has appeared on the list: Theory Bay.  In these posts writers label
their canon theories with code names and acronyms (Fourth Man,
F.L.I.R.T.I.A.C., Toadkeeper, and so on).  In addition, Theory Bayers often
frame their theories with short sections of role-playing, known as CARP
("Cyber-Action Role-Playing").

After stirring the cauldron awhile on this one, the Moderators have decided
to introduce a new prefix for Theory Bay posts: TBAY.  To supplement this,
some of the TBayers have been up nights with their quills, scratching out a
fabulous guide to the inlets and beachy heads of Theory Bay and a glossary
of all the ongoing theories.  You can apparate to Hypothetic Alley here: 
They even have a cute ickle fish logo:  <"((><

Now for a quick run through the guidelines on prefixing, followed by our
general content guidelines.  After that, we'll make a pot of tea and hand
round the biscuits...



Posts discussing romantic relationships between characters, whether actual
or potential, should use the prefix SHIP in the subject line.  This is not a
change from the current policy as set forth in the HBigfile:

"SHIP: (relation)shipping material, which deals with romantic relationships
between the characters. You may only discuss SHIPs on the main list if you
are using canon to support your arguments. If you want to say, "I hope Harry
and Ginny get together in the end," you should post this on OTChatter."

2. FF

Discussion of fan fiction (fanfic) on the main list as permitted under (c),
below, should use the prefix FF in the subject heading.

The rules for fanfic discussions on the HPfGU lists are as follows:

(a) Announcements of new fanfics or fanfic chapters should go to

(b) Discussion of the merits or canonicity of a given fanfic is permitted on
OT-Chatter: only; however,
we note that there are many fanfic discussion groups that might provide a
better platform for discussion and review of stories;

(c) Use of discrete quotes, plotline summaries or other references from
fanfic to support a canon point is permitted on the main list, provided the
post otherwise addresses the Content Guidelines, below.

3.  FILK

Filks posted to the main list should include the prefix FILK in the subject
line.  If you're thinking, "what's a filk?" check out Caius' excellent
repository of these HP-themed song parodies:


Posts including Theory Bay content must include the TBAY prefix in the
subject line.

With regard to the content of Theory Bay posts:

(a) Use of CARP (Cyber-Action Role-Playing) and theory labelling (i.e.
acronyms and code names) to support a canon point is permitted, provided the
post otherwise satisfies the Content Guidelines, below.

(b) Where appropriate, readers should be directed to Hypothetic Alley: 
for more information on Theory Bay, including the specific glossary of names
and concepts.


All posts should comply with the following Content Guidelines, regardless of

(a) Posts to the main group should relate clearly to The Canon (the works or
words of JKR). It is permissible to include discrete OT content,
role-playing, vignettes, pastiche or fanfic references, subject to the
prefixing rules.

(b) Writers should indicate clearly when they are expressing their own
opinions or ideas, as opposed to addressing factual points from The Canon.

(c) Writers may assume that readers are familiar with the HPfGU glossary of
acronyms  - see Humongous Bigfile: 
but should explain any acronyms that are not in the glossary.  Readers
should be familiar with the list of terms outlined in the HBigfile.

(d) When responding to a post or ongoing thread, writers should provide
appropriate referencing by (1) citing the relevant author(s) and (2) quoting
relevant portion(s) of the prior message(s).  Quoted text that is not
relevant for context should be removed.

Thanks for reading.  Any comments or questions should go to the Magical
Moderators: mods at ....


  ...for the Moderators

Flying Ford Anglia

"Harry couldn't see how eight people, six large trunks, two owls, and a rat
were going to fit into one small Ford Anglia. He had reckoned, of course,
without the special features that Mr. Weasley had added." (Chamber of

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