FictionAlley Halloween Challenges
heidit at
Sat Oct 19 21:04:53 UTC 2002
We have not one but TWO challenges for you this Halloween season -
one for artists and one for authors.
A challenge (to give the definition from is a kind
of game played in writing and art circles -- one person says "Hey, I
dare you to write about [X]!" or "I dare you to draw [Y]!" and
anyone who likes the idea responds with a story or art. The "thing"
can be a character, a particular set of characters, a crossover, a
situation, an event, or even a set of funny lines or objects that
must be included within the body of the story.
A challenge submission must be interesting, unusual, and original -
that is, what we're asking you to do must be interesting, unusual
and original. Your responses to the challenge can be whatever your
muse inspires you to write or draw (or both! There's no rule agains
submitting art and fic!) as long as it complies with the Challenge
First, the rules for artists:
There's a new forum up- The Big Challenge Board of Doom-a-Go-Go -
and it is specifically for holiday-related and possibly birthday-
related art challenges. And there is a Halloween art challenge
coming up! It should be a lot of fun, so if you can find a pencil
and paper or media of choice- join in!
The rules for the Halloween challenge:
Your submission must include a canon character in Halloween garb
(perhaps a Muggle costume) and a canon ghost or poltergeist. The
submission must be posted between October 29 and October 31, to the
A-Go-Go forum. The forum will be locked to new posts until Oct 29
GMT. You may post as many submissions as you like. Start working now!
Remember, for AA, the full image must be hosted elsewhere, and a
thumbnail must be attached to the post you make on AA.
Now, for authors:
Write a fic of under 1000 words which contains:
The phrase "Deathday"
At least one canon ghost
Candy apples
A carved pumpkin
ALL fanfic challenge submissions must be posted as a new thread to
the Challenges section of FictionAlley Park (part of the Cookie Jar
?&forumid=80) and the fanart challenge submissions must be posted to
the brand new The Big Challenge Board of Doom-a-Go-Go here:
Submissions must be made between October 29 and October 31 (GMT on
the 29th, PST on the 31st) and can only be made by registered users
who've activated their accounts. All submissions must be PG-13 or
less, in terms of rating, and we ask that submissions not be
submitted to any of the houses.
Questions? Email help at ... or post in FAWA.
More information about the HPFGU-Announcements