Announcing the Board of Directors .....

Penny Linsenmayer pennylin at
Wed Sep 18 02:34:30 UTC 2002

Hi everyone --

I'm pleased to announce the directors of HP Education Fanon, Inc., a
non-profit corporation that we've formed for a variety of HP-related
educational purposes, including the oversight and management of the planning
of periodic symposia for the fans and scholars of HP.   For those who don't
know, HP4GU and FictionAlley are the primary promoter groups for the
upcoming HP symposium in Orlando in July 2003 (Nimbus - 2003: A Harry Potter
Symposium).  Details at:

DIRECTORS -- The directors are listed in alphabetical order:

Rob Ihinger was born in Southern California, but has lived in Minnesota for
more than three decades now. Clean air, clean water, clean (but interesting)
politics . . . no reason to leave. An attorney by training, librarian by
inclination, salesman by necessity, all around nice guy by sheer luck.
Stumbling into science fiction fandom by happy coincidence, he has
volunteered for more than thirty conventions including Worldcon, World
Fantasy Convention, Minicon, Fourth Street Fantasy Convention and others, in
such roles as Executive Committee, Head of Operations, Hotel Head, Volunteer
Coordinator, Troubleshooter, Communications Officer, Liaison, Moderator and
Program Participant, Badger, and Gopher. Served on the Board of Directors of
the Minnesota Science Fiction Society for five years, including the year of
complete Bylaw rewriting. Believes his writing group holds the record for
continuous meeting without producing a single manuscript.
Peg Kerr was born in a Chicago suburb, moved to Minnesota to attend St. Olaf
College, and has stayed in Minnesota ever since. With $50.00 from her first
paycheck from her first job out of college, she registered for a science
fiction and fantasy writing class. There, she met her husband and wrote the
first story she ever sold. In hindsight, this is all quite pleasant
consolation for the fact that she was fired from her job the day the class

She attended the Clarion Writers Workshop in 1988 and has an M.A. in English
Literature, specializing in speculative fiction. Her fiction has appeared in
various science fiction and fantasy magazines and anthologies. Emerald House
Rising is her first novel. The Wild Swans, a stand-alone fantasy based on
the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, is her second.

She presently lives in Minneapolis with her husband, Robert Ihinger, and two

Barb Purdom studied classics and anthropology at Temple University years ago
and still lives in her native Philadelphia with her husband and kids,
working as a freelance singer (chamber music) and also attending school once
more (architecture).

Steve Vander Ark is the creator of the Harry Potter Lexicon, the premier
Harry Potter informational site on the internet. We're still waiting for his
full bio, but he's been busy this week renovating the Lexicon.

John Walton is a 21-year-old New Yorker with a British accent who is
finishing up his MA in International Relations at the University of St
Andrews in Scotland. John is also a part-time educator, specialising in
dyslexia, hyperlexia, ADD, ADHD and autistic spectrum students. He's a
Moderator of HPforGrownups and is the Ombudsman (independent adjudicator) of
FictionAlley. His LiveJournal can be found at

You can view biographical sketches of all the members of the Nimbus - 2003
planning team at:

If you wish to contact the Nimbus - 2003 planning team, please send an email
to: help at ...

We are all very excited about the ongoing plans and hope to have
considerably more information to pass on here in the coming weeks!  Thanks
for your patience --

Co-Chair, Programming Committee

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