Official Artwork Contest for Nimbus - 2003

Gwen gwendolyngrace at
Thu Apr 10 19:54:30 UTC 2003

T-Shirt Design and Programme Cover Contests for Nimbus
- 2003

In order to showcase many of the fine and talented
artists in the fandom, Nimbus - 2003 seeks art
submissions for our official symposium t-shirt and our
symposium programme cover.

You may submit art to either or to both contests and
you may enter as many designs as you like. You can
also submit different pieces for each or the same
designs for both.

1. The artwork must be no larger than 8.5x11" in
finished digital form (or easily reducible and still
clear at 8.5x11" size), or 300 dpi, and must be
uploaded in TIFF, PSD, or PNG format.

2. Submissions may be low-resolution copies, but you
must have a 300 dpi file available to send upon

3. Artwork must be rated PG or lower and should
feature the symposium's mascots: The Marauders, aka
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs (MWPP). 

4. Artwork for the PROGRAMME COVER can include the
text: "Nimbus - 2003: A Guide" OR "A Guide to Nimbus -

5. Artwork for the T-SHIRT can include the text:
"Nimbus - 2003: [insert your slogan idea here]".

6. We strongly encourage art submissions that reflect
the tropical theme suggested by our location.
7. We strongly encourage, but do not require, original
artwork for these purposes.

8. Characters should not be labeled by name, nor
should the artwork contain any lettering or images
that might impinge upon existing trademarks. Nimbus -
2003 reserves the right to return artwork with such
marks back to the creator for editing.

9. No broomsticks shall be shown with, on, under, or
near the "Nimbus - 2003" lettering in any format.
(MWPP may be shown riding brooms if you desire.)

10. Nimbus - 2003 will not accept anonymous
submissions. Please include your legal name (if
different from your fandom handle), address, and a
valid email address and phone number along with your
entry. This information will be kept confidential.
11. Entries must be sent to art @ NO LATER
THAN May 15, 2003. Please send us the url where your
artwork can be viewed. If you want to send a hard
copy, please contact us at the above email address to
make arrangements.

DISCLAIMER: By submitting your artwork to the
Programme Cover or T-Shirt contests, even if it is not
selected as featured artwork, you give the staff of
Nimbus - 2003 permission to use it on materials
related to the symposium, including but not limited to
badges, banners, signs, program books, and websites.
You still retain ownership of your work, and may
continue to use it in any way you see fit.

Bring Your Own Broom to Nimbus - 2003!

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