FictionAlley's Second Birthday (coming up close...)

heiditandy heidit at
Wed Apr 30 15:28:36 UTC 2003

It's all about TWO.

On July 22, FictionAlley will turn two years old. Two years of 
providing a place where fanfics of all shapes, sizes and SHIPs can 
be discussed, hosted, beta-read and reviewed - and where daily 
discussion of the books and movies stimulates thought, discussion 
and, of course, plot bunnies. 

When we started two years ago, with about two dozen authors, we 
never dreamed that we'd host over two thousands authors - or that 
we'd have to wait two more years for Book Number Five. 

But in July, that wait will be over, and the fandom will have turned 
a corner in fanfic, fanart, fan-conversations and fan-speculation. 
And it'll be time to relax a bit, and enjoy Nimbus - 2003. 

Of course, FictionAlley will be there. And to celebrate the fandom, 
and our second birthday, we're having a party the second night of 
the event - Friday, July 18, 2003. 

Come to the COPA BANANA, right at the hotel, starting at 8:30 P.M. 
on Friday night, and for a small cover charge ($10/person + cash 
bar) you can dance and party until late - and enjoy our special 
birthday cake at eleven o'clock. 

The event will be open to all registrants and any guests of 
registrants who are over 14. 

No RSVP necessary - just be prepared to come and have a great time!

And yes, there will be an online component of the party - no, we 
can't simulcast the music, but if you can't make it to Nimbus - 
2003, you can still celebrate as FA turns two!


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